why and how to prioritize opportunities

26 mei 2023

4 min leestijd

In the fast-paced world we live in, identifying and seizing opportunities can make all the difference between success and stagnation. The ability to prioritize opportunities effectively is a crucial skill that individuals and organizations must master to maximize their potential. In this article, we delve into the realm of opportunity prioritization, exploring what opportunities truly are, the criteria that can guide prioritization, practical methods to prioritize ideas and opportunities, and the essential next steps for turning prioritization into tangible results. 

what are opportunities exactly?

Opportunities are potential avenues for growth, advancement, or success that present themselves in various forms. They can manifest as untapped market segments, innovative ideas, strategic partnerships, points for improvement in a service or emerging trends. Recognizing and capitalizing on opportunities is an integral part of improving your product, service and overall customer experience. 

prioritization criteria

Brainstorm sessions, customer journeys, customer research and many more methods within service design might result in a large set of new ideas and opportunities. When faced with a multitude of such opportunities, it becomes crucial to establish criteria to prioritize and allocate resources effectively. Here are some key criteria to consider: 

  1. Customer value vs Business value: Consider how much value each opportunity might bring to the business, but also to the customer. An opportunity that scores high on both could be given more priority than an opportunity that scores well on just one criteria.
  2. Alignment with goals and (CX) strategy: Align opportunities with overarching goals, values and your strategy. Evaluate how well each opportunity fits within the strategic direction of the organization. Ensure that pursuing an opportunity aligns with long-term objectives and core values. 
  1. Risks and Assumptions: Consider the potential risks and assumptions associated with each opportunity. Assess factors such as market volatility, competitive landscape, investments and resource limitations. Balancing risk and reward is essential in making informed decisions. To minimize risk, we advice to always validate new ideas and opportunities through concept testing!

how to prioritize ideas and opportunities

Start by creating a comprehensive list. Brainstorm and compile a list of potential opportunities and ideas. Encourage input from team members, stakeholders, or external sources to ensure a diverse pool of options. This could for example be done through an ideation session, or co-creation session with users or relevant stakeholders. Next, evaluate and score. Apply the prioritization criteria discussed earlier to each opportunity, assigning scores or rankings based on their alignment with the criteria. Weight their importance of each criterion based on its significance to the customer or organization. This helps in prioritizing opportunities based on the relative importance of different criteria. Lastly, you compare and rank. Analyze and compare the scores or rankings to rank the opportunities in order of priority. This ranking provides a clear roadmap for decision-making and resource allocation.

next steps after prioritization 

Prioritization is only the beginning. To translate prioritized opportunities into tangible results, several crucial steps must be taken: 

Validate the opportunity: Some opportunities might be based on assumptions. There is little to no evidence that they are true, but will kill your concept if they are false. It is therefore key to (in)validate these assumptions before pouring too much time and resources into it. Validating your concept with experiments will help you to determine if you are on the right track based on evidence rather than gut feeling. 

Resource Allocation: Allocate resources, including financial, human, and technological, to pursue the prioritized opportunities effectively. Prioritize resource allocation based on the importance and potential impact of each opportunity. 

Develop Action Plans: Create detailed action plans for each prioritized opportunity. Define the necessary steps, timelines, and responsibilities required to execute the plans effectively. 

Implementation and Execution: Put the action plans into motion, monitoring progress, and making necessary adjustments along the way. Effective execution is key to realizing the potential of prioritized opportunities.

Continuous Evaluation: Continuously evaluate the progress and impact of pursued opportunities. Gather feedback, assess outcomes, and make data-driven adjustments to enhance performance.

Iteration and Adaptation: Learn from the outcomes of pursued opportunities and iterate the approach if needed. Adapt to changing market conditions, customer feedback, or internal dynamics to ensure ongoing success. 


The journey of prioritizing opportunities is iterative and adaptive. Learning from outcomes, iterating the approach, and adapting to changing circumstances ensure ongoing growth and success. It is essential to embrace a mindset of continuous improvement and remain agile in responding to evolving market dynamics. 

In conclusion, prioritizing opportunities is a skill that can be honed and refined. By understanding what opportunities are, establishing prioritization criteria and taking decisive action, organizations can navigate the landscape of possibilities and unlock their full potential. Embrace the power of prioritization and seize the opportunities that await you!

If you would like a one-on-one with one of our experts or an in-company training, please view the options here or contact us directly. We are more than happy to think along with you.

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