Our services
Customer profiles
Concept validation
Customer journey mapping
Service blueprint
Measurement (CX dashboard)
Governance (CX core team)
Strategische CX support (roadmap)
Way of working
Schiphol is a world within a world, an ecosystem of touchpoints. From parking to last-minute duty-free shopping and from finding the right gate to handing in your luggage, you have a lot to do before you get on the plane. To make your (customer) journey as smooth and pleasant as possible, everything has to come together behind the scenes. So how does Schiphol make that happen?
the challenge
One for all, all for the passenger
Schiphol wants to be everyone’s favorite European airport. That requires an excellent and consistent passenger experience. And that is quite a job because it is such a complex organization. Collaboration is key to coordinate all processes, information, systems, buildings and departments, and partners (from security to cleaning). Otherwise, it won’t work.
You cannot make a difference with a stand-alone initiative. But constructing a shared vision, way of working, and governance simply is complicated. That is why Essense helped Schiphol to outline well-thought-out steps (mind your step) and take action.
our approach
work on collaboration
Various Schiphol departments and partners tried to improve the passenger experience. With their own resources, their own frameworks, and their own limits. It was up to the Passenger Experience department to bring the well-intentioned but incoherent initiatives together. But before you can do that, people have to understand that they need to work together. That is quite a process, and Essense coached Schiphol through it.
Together we convinced each department of the value of customer-centric collaboration. By physically bringing the representatives of the departments together, they discovered the differences in knowledge, language, and vision. Under our guidance, this multidisciplinary team of senior managers brought together customer insights and initiatives. We set up the structure and topics; they worked on a shared vision on customer experience, an unambiguous way of working for improvement initiatives, and a joint CX dashboard.

“Essense has been instrumental in supporting the core team by ensuring we standardise our way of working, create shared insights through a CX dashboard, and bring insights together across initiatives.”
Maaike van der Windt
Head of Aviation Marketing, Schiphol Group

the outcomes
Multidisciplinary, company-wide
Schiphol now has a solid set of CX principles and a continuous process for improving the customer experience based on a single vision and approach. The multidisciplinary team prioritises customer insights from the entire customer journey and develops company-wide improvement initiatives. As a result, knowledge, insights, and initiatives find their way throughout the whole organisation. Including management. Thanks to a new reporting structure, the management team is perfectly aware of how the customer-centric way of working is progressing and the achieved results.

Noor Schopman
Lead CX Consultant