Join our next roundtable on how to kickstart journey management

enhancing customer experience with a data-driven approach


their promise

a good income for now, soon, and later

APG is a leading pension administration organisation in The Netherlands managing over 500 billion euros in assets for its participants and retirees.

They are committed to delivering not only financial returns but also contributing to society by focusing on sustainability, values, diversity, climate, and digitalisation.

Their brand promise is: “A good income for now, soon, and later.”

the challenge

more timely and actionable insights

APG approached Essense to improve their customer experience through more timely and actionable insights. Their current approach relied on customer feedback on a single moment in time, leading to delayed feedback and missed opportunities to address customer issues promptly.

Additionally, APG struggled to combine customer feedback with operational data, resulting in an incomplete view of the customer journey. They needed a solution that offered continuous measurement and a more comprehensive understanding of the customer experience.

“With the help of Essense we operationalised the underlying measurement framework of our CX vision and strategy. This focused approach allows us to quickly identify and address potential improvements during the whole journey, which gives us a better control of the customer experience.”

Ken Schattenberg

Expert lead CX Management, APG

our approach

1. kick-off and preparation

  • Initial meetings and desk research to understand APG’s current state and desired outcomes.
  • Gathering relevant information and data from APG, such as customer journeys and earlier findings on what elements of the journey matter to APG’s customers.

2. determining experience success

  • A half-day workshop to co-create the customer journey framework for the “retirement journey” based on the underlying logic of the CX pyramid.
  • Evaluating and refining the existing measurements based on insights and drivers identified earlier.

3. connecting operational metrics

  • A subsequent half-day workshop to establish a plan for setting up measurements within the journey.
  • Determining the frequency of measurements.
  • Creating a roadmap for further operationalisation.

4. delivery

  • Processing and delivering the measurement framework.
  • Presenting a roadmap for operationalising the framework.

the outcomes

  • enabled journey performance management and optimisation:

– one journey fully data-driven
– identified 20 behavioural metrics to give deeper insight in experience
– identified 22 operational metrics to explain experience

  • streamlined current measurements.
  • provided input for cleaning up existing measurements for deeper insight.
  • offered insight into the relationship between operations and customer experience.
  • clarified how various operational activities impact the customer experience across different journeys.
  • developed a concrete plan to create a complete customer view, enabling better control over agreed KPIs with the funds.

Nicolette Nijhuis

Lead Data Consultant

Want to know more about Data Driven CX & Measurement?

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