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journey management
& governance

align your departments, start
journey based collaboration

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why you need it

A great customer experience requires alignment between your teams, from marketing to customer service. In other words, alignment along the entire customer journey. Managing all these opportunities for improving your service offering across channels is called Journey management.

Journey management is the vehicle for orchestrating customer centric innovation across teams. We help you organise and operationalise journey management with your journeys, your way of working and the required tooling.

what we offer

journey framework

To make sure all teams work on the same set of journeys, we help create your journey framework.  An overview of all your key journeys across the customer lifecycle, agreed with all stakeholders. This then serves as the backbone for rolling out journey management across your teams.

icon_theydoimplementation TheyDo & pilot

TheyDo is a wonderful tool for managing all journeys from research to your agile development teams, but only if you implement and use it properly. 

As official TheyDo partner, we help you configure the tool and way of working, support the first pilot projects before you scale it further to other teams. Learn more on our TheyDo partner page.

Want to use another tool?
We can also help you select the right tool for you and help you operationalise it. Especially for smaller businesses other tools may be a better fit. 

icon_way_of_workingscale journey-based working

After a successful pilot it is time to scale to managing multiple journeys, teams or tribes! This requires training, change management and coaching.

We create playbooks for the way of working  and guide scaling the journey management practice across departments, services and segments until it is operationalised in across teams.

icon_governancejourney governance

Journey management requires clear targets & KPIs linked to business results. We help you set and operationalise these and work with you to establish criteria so you can prioritise consistently across teams.

With these criteria defined it is key to have clear roles and ownership allocated so everyone know who does what and who decides what and based on what criteria.

icon_monitoringjourney performance monitoring

We help you monitor the performance of your customer journeys with quantitative data. We set up a customer data strategy and integrate this with your CX monitoring system.

For more info check our Data-Driven CX & Measurement page

in-house consultants

Scaling this way of working may need some extra hands to accelerate impact. Our consultants & service designers can operate in your teams to get things going while you build your team with internal resources. 

client case

managing the end-to-end cx at Odido

Odido faced declining Net Promoter Scores (NPS), underscoring the urgent need for a more unified strategy. They needed a comprehensive approach to synchronise all efforts and provide a seamless, high-quality customer experience.

the benefits of journey management

1.uniform way-of-working

A standard way-of-working across teams, enabling effective prioritisation of efforts, based on ambition and strategy.

2.omni-channel alignment

Journey-based working brings alignment between departments as they start collaborating horizontally across channels.

3.access to insights

Customer insights no longer live in reports but in journeys, linked to the context of channels and propositions, and always up to date.

Lucy Stuyfzand

Journey Management Lead

Ready to implement journey management?

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