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customer centric

drive operational excellence
and employee experience

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why you need it

Business results are often achieved in operations. That’s why CX efforts eventually have to lead to process improvements in your customer operations.

We help you map all backstage processes & systems to identify bottlenecks and define a blueprint for streamlining your operations.

By doing this you align your departmental silos to achieve operational excellence along the entire customer journey.

what we offer

identify bottlenecks in operations

If your service delivery is not efficient, your teams frustrated, or your systems no longer future proof, it is crucial to first map out all your backstage operations before you plan big process optimisations or implement new software solutions. 

In co-creation with your teams, we map all your back stage processes, systems and the workflow of your employees along the customer journey and identify key bottlenecks. This results in a holistic overview of the operations across your departments so you can make an informed future-proof decision about where to focus your efforts.

blueprint service ambition

If you’re aiming for more than an optimisation but planning to transform the backstage of your operations, then a blueprint of your service ambition is what you need. The value of this is underestimated and costly & painful if done afterwards.

For example as part of a digital transformation or big migration to a new platform, a service blueprint of your operations helps you plan for how all your systems will connect and how your teams are going to work with them to deliver a great customer experience efficiently and effectively.

employee workflow

Happy and engaged employees deliver a better customer experience However, suboptimal operations can have a big impact on your employee experience. Complexity, performance issues or steep learning curve for new employees can be costly or cause employees to leave your organisation or make more errors. 

Working in co-creation with your employees we can map out all the activities your teams need to. This provides a common understanding of their joint workflow to prioritise the opportunities for improvement. 

If you are looking for more info on improving the employee journey of employees joining your company, then check our page Customer Research & Optimisation.

in house consultant

Do you want one of our service designers to apply our service blueprint methodology inside your team? We can also help streamline your operations by placing as an in house consultant.

client case

streamlining operations at Rotterdam Partners

Rotterdam Partners asked us to help align their internal workflows, optimise their customer interactions into seamless experiences across digital and in-person channels, and inform next steps in their digital transformation.

the bottom line of customer centric operations

1.cost efficiency

An overview of all bottlenecks and opportunities to streamline your service delivery is going to save you money!

2.operational excellence

Managing your backstage processes across the customer journey will reduce mistakes and support calls, and please customers.

3.employee exeperience

Selecting the right tools and workflow for your workforce is going to make them less frustrated, more engaged, and stay longer.

Sander Kruitwagen

Operations Director

Ready to connect silos & drive operational excellence?

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