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a joint CX ambition to guide employees in delivering a branded customer experience


their promise

positive energy

Energy supplier Greenchoice is the highest-scoring brand in the energy sector according to the Sustainable Brand Index 2024, a survey in which consumers indicate which brands they find the most sustainable.

Their brand promise is: “Greenchoice gives you positive energy!”

the challenge

branded CX in all interactions & channels

Greenchoice is taking major steps toward becoming a customer-centric organisation, dedicated to supporting customers through the energy transition. Their mission is to empower customers with the tools and knowledge to make informed energy decisions, contributing to a more positive future together.

At the heart of Greenchoice’s service is a commitment to transparency, efficiency and customer-centric solutions. To enable and guide employees to contribute to delivering a branded and desired customer experience, we defined CX principles.

By establishing a shared CX ambition and clear set of principles, Greenchoice is fostering a multidisciplinary approach that aligns departments around a shared goal. By integrating the CX principles in the current way of working Greenchoice ensures that the ambition is embedded in the operation, driving coherence and delivering the customer experience that Greenchoice aspires to achieve.

Greenchoice asked Essense to help define a desired customer experience and detailed customer experience principles, providing a framework to prioritise initiatives to focus their CX efforts next year.

“Essense helped us bring focus to the project, to make the right CX decisions and do what’s best for Greenchoice and our customers.”

Sirikit Huibers

Customer Experience Lead, Greenchoice

our approach

We brought together a multidisciplinary group of twelve Greenchoice employees to:

  • enhance employee engagement & awareness
  • envision a shared understanding of the desired customer experience
  • create buy-in to help set goals and steer CX priorities. 

Our approach consisted of multiple co-creation workshops, share-out sessions to engage the organisation and validation with customers, leadership and employees. We divided the project into the next steps.

1. define a joint foundation for the CX principles and CX ambition

We started building a joint foundation of the CX principles by collecting and consolidating insights on the organisation, customer and market. Hereby, we used existing documents and data to built on. Greenchoice for example had already made principles in the past, shared customer insights of all customer segments and their recent business strategy. 

We identified themes such as trust, expertise, transparency, providing insight to customers, participation and collective.

2. collaborative workshops to refine the CX principles and CX ambition 

In the next three workshops, we collaborated with 10-15 senior project team members to refine the CX principles and CX ambition. Through an iterative approach and discussions, we reached consensus and finalised the direction of the CX principles. After each workshop, we shared the outcomes with the organisation and gathered feedback, ensuring broad involvement and support.

After the first workshop and between the final workshops, we also validated the CX principles and CX ambition with leadership. This collaborative process resulted in a cohesive set of four CX principles, along with Greenchoice’s unique spark that differentiates them in the market.

3. validation with employees and customer panel 

As we embarked on this project, we took into account:

  • customer insights
  • organisational insights
  • market insights

Our next step was to validate the chosen directions by engaging Greenchoice’s employees and customer panel.

We aimed to confirm the CX principles while also validating the key drivers aligned with these principles, ensuring employees have the required information to deliver a desired customer experience.

We carefully integrated all feedback to refine the CX principles and CX ambition, presenting the final version to the project team and relevant stakeholders. 

This process has laid the foundation for enhancing the customer experience, driven by a shared ambition.

the outcomes

The project resulted in a shared CX ambition and CX principles, validated by customers and supported by leadership and the organisation. The roll-out of the CX principles to the teams happens across the organisation on 3 different levels:

on strategic level: shared vision of the desired and branded CX

  • Defined CX ambition & principles and stakeholder buy-in
  • Created a criteria checklist based on the CX principles for a uniform integration in new innovations
  • Aligned CX principles with MT of departments

on proposition level: clarity on how to improve CX

  • Implemented CX principles with a department
  • Improved brand guidelines based on CX principles

on channel level: integration of CX principles in interactions

  • Utilise CX principles across all channels and interactions

Annemijn Pille

Business Development Manager

Want to know more about CX ambition & strategy? Get in touch!

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